I have discovered the world of “how to” painting and drawing books. In the past I had always dismissed them as being only for the beginner. Recently I have been using them as teaching tools in my classes and I have found the information in them to be quite useful in my own studio as well. I am reminded of the reality of art making: there is no one way to do anything. Every book offers slightly different opinions on topics like the best way to start, when to use black, how to layer… etc. Not only do these books hep me brush up on my technique, but they inspire me to try new ways of using a media or approaching a composition.
I have checked out Landscape, by Richard McDaniels, from the library a few times. This book covered the subject of landscape in various media. I love the artworks used as examples! Also this book has a number of fun, playful tips and techniques for making interesting art beyond the traditional approaches. When I am feeling stuck, this gets me back in the studio.