I spent part of last week in Boston, visiting a good friend going to Grad School for painting at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts. It was a return to art school for me. I got to sit in on critiques, attend a lecture, and tour studios. I got to meet, talk, and party with a group of really exceptional artists. I also had the opportunity to view thesis exhibitions and get a sense for what is coming out of East Coast art right now.
In addition, I was fortunate enough to spend a few days hanging out at the Museum of Fine Art, where I saw an array of works. Some of the most memorable artists include Gauguin, Giacometti, Monet, Luis Melendez, and Kara Walker. I toured the current Egyptian artifact exhibitions where I learned about tombs and mummies. The entire trip was both educational and inspirational.
Image: Monet paintings seen at the MFA